Wednesday, January 27, 2010
E cigarette
Intel's Google News wall
Philips Simplicity: Mini Living Colours
Yahoo Exercise
Part I - Preparing and conducting an Interview
1. Identify Objectives of your study
The objective of this interview is to improve on the existing problems users faced when using Yahoo! site.
2. Select the type of Interview (Unstructured, Structured and Semi-structured)
3. Write the Questions for your Interview
1. How often do you use it? ________
2. How much time u spend on yahoo? ________
3. What do you think of the search engine, is it easy to search ? Y/N
4. Are you happy with the current functions they are providing? Y/N
5. Which sections can be improved? _________
6. Do you think they should add more functions? if so, what? ________
4. Conduct your interview with a “potential” user
Jackson Tan
Student from NYP Business
1. once per 3 months(I use Google for search engine)
2. 2 minutes
3. I don't like it when they store the history of the search
4. No
5. Remove the history of search section, and have more flash games.
6. No, just need to improve the current site.
5. Note down your findings
Google seems to be a better search engine than Yahoo, but Yahoo provides more services. It depends on the user, what he or she use it for.
Part II – Preparing a Survey
1. Identify Objectives of your study
Objective of the survey is to improve further on the existing website.
2. Select a response format (close-ended or open-ended questions)
3. Write the Questions for your Survey
1. Do you have a yahoo account?
2. Do you use yahoo ?
3. What do you use yahoo for?
4. What other functions that yahoo provide interests you?
5. Is the interface easy to understand?
6. Which function do you use the most?
4. Select your Distribution Method and say why?
Online survey, since Yahoo is a website, so mojority of the users are internet savvy. It is also more convenient for them so we can get more responses.
5. Design your survey form (Sketch out if your are doing a Web Survey)
Please circle your choices.
1. Do you have a yahoo account? Y/N
2. Do you use yahoo ? Y/N
3. What do you use yahoo for?
Use the search engine/ Read the news/ Check mail / Others (Please Specify) ________
4. What other functions that yahoo provide interests you?
Facebook, Flickr, Friendster / Messenger / Others (Please Specify) ________
5. Is the interface easy to understand? Y/N
6. Which function do you use the most?
Mail/ Search Engine / Others (Please Specify) _______
Part III – Survey Analysis
1. For each of the following datasets, calculate the median, mean and standard
deviation of the mean:
a. 2, 2, 2, 2
Median: 2
Mean: 2
Standard Deviation: 0
b. 0.67, 1.03, -0.38, -0.75, 0.79, -0.13, 1.57, -1.78, -0.58, -1.43
Median: -0.255
Standard Deviation: √10.77429 = 3.282421
c. 4.7, 11, 0.42, 0.18, 6.2, 0.74, 38, 0.016, 0.26, 0.037
Median: 6.155
Mean: 0.58
Standard Deviation: √124.748 = 11.169
Nokia Morph Concept
Car park 2.0
Car park 2.0
Car park 2.0
After doing research, we found out the main problems people face in car parks are finding parking lots, as well as finding their cars. Our concept is built to tackle these problems in a creative and fun way. We chose a car park, Suntec City Mall’s car park to improve. What we wanted to do was to create a solution that was interesting, fun and easy to understand.We came up with this solution, to divide the car park into sections (continents), and then further divide the sections by the use of animals, animals that are distinctive with the continent they live on.
This way, the user would be able to remember which continent they parked at, to know which general direction to head, and even more specifically to the distinctive animal of that continent. This would better enable them to remember where they parked their car.
It could also be fun and educational for children as they would be able to learn which animal comes from which continent, it could be a fun activity for the whole family.
The parking lots will also be numbered in an easier way to remember, for example, the lion section would be labelled L, for lion. The pillars will indicate the continent, animal, as well as the parking lot numbers in that area.
This would allow the user to remember the parking lot number as well as find it a lot easier as it would not just be a bunch of numbers, but something that makes sense.
On the walls there will also be indications as to where the next section is, for example the lion is chasing the llama, indicating which direction to head if you wanted to find the South America section.
This would make it an easy yet fun and interesting way for the user to find out which section is where.
car park 2.0
Rough Ideas
Different sections have different themes, or the whole car park is one big recognizable theme, For instance, ‘The Universe’. Hence they remember which ‘planet’ they parked at.
- To help the user to remember where they parked at.
There are lights to indicate where there are empty parking lots, and the lights are different (e.g. color) in every section.
- To let the user know which part of the car park they are parking at and to help them remember the general area where they parked.
When the car park slot is occupied, these lights will go off.
- The user will be able to gauge which part of the car park has more lots, and in which general direction to head, as that area will be brighter.
There will be a glow when the user presses the remote key.
- When the user is trying to find their car, they press the remote key and the car makes a sound, when this happens, a sound sensor will activate lights where their car is parked, which will produce a glow. This would make it easier for the user to find his/her car.
Car Park 2.0
Goals and Objectives of Concept
· Allow users to find their cars and parking lots easily.
· Facilitate the easier use of car park.
· Coming up with a creative solution for the problems of a car park.
· Search for the problems of car parks and improve the situation
Initial Ideas (Sketches)
The Magic Pole turns on when the parking lot is vacant, light shines and flickers when the lot is available. When a car is parked there and the lot is occupied, it stops shining.
The ambience or mood and lighting of the car park changes according to the amount of lots available. Also the atmosphere of the different sections of the car park are different so it is easier for the user to remember where they parked.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Temporary Graffiti
Microsoft Surface
Microsoft Surface
Monochrome dreams!?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software on running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing,MaxMSP).
The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your needs.
How is it used?
The Arduino can be connected to the computer via its usb port. It has digital and analog pins. These pins can be used to connect to software running on a computer as well as directly to things such as a variety of sensors. To my understanding the board can be programmed using the Arduino programming language and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing).
In my final year project, i used the Arduino as a touch sensor, whatever information it obtains through the pins (i used bare wire and connected them to the pins, to get readings in capacitance through a script in processing) gets transferred into Processing on the computer and finally onto MaxMSP which produced certain effects. That was how I used the arduino, by connecting it to a computer. However it can also be directly connected to sensors such as, touch sensors, heat sensors, motion sensors, color sensors, light sensors, pressure sensors, magnetic sensors.