Friday, November 20, 2009

3D LED display globe

This is the first 3d display i've come across. I think it looks nice and opens the door to 3d displays. I suppose it has more of a WOW effect than just lights placed on a panel. If it could be both interactive and 3d it would truly be a nice experience.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Audio Visual Installation

I was checking out videos on interactivity that was based on audio and found this. I think this is really interesting in that it combines audio interactivity with visual interactivity and feedback. The way the creator came up with this idea was also fascinating. ' People could walk up and begin playing music in the true sense of the word PLAY '. What he was trying to do was make it easy and fun for people to play music, no wrong notes, just have fun jamming creating music. Another interesting thing was when he chose to use 2 game controllers and the theme of 'growth'. He picked growth so the users could see the music 'growing' which creates a visual feedback for the user enriching his/her experience. Also, he chose video game controllers as he felt almost everyone his age would know how to use one. I suppose that was a user study. All in all i think it is a very interesting project and I enjoy the way he thought through it and came up with this idea.

Ambilight - GAMING!

Just when I was thinking about using this for gaming, I found this video. The mood is just there, the gaming experience has totally been enhanced. When the gamer is in trouble the screen and lighting turn red, as if there was blood everywhere. Cool!


I found this really interesting as it was interaction with the environment. It plays with the mood and feel of the user, different colours create different moods and feelings. If I owned one of these, I could be totally immersed in whatever I am doing, it would be a great experience for me as the user. I like the idea of using lighting to influence the environment, which in turn affects the mood and feel. Furthermore, its not just one colour its a whole range appearing to suit whatever is happening on screen, it just feels right and I really like it. Imagine what it would be like if I were to play my PS3 on it.